With the power of rainbow colours of MyRainbowClock
* Refresh & recharge your energy level
* Boost creativity & productivity plus
* Manage stress at work, home, or school. It works!
With the power of rainbow colours of MyUnicornClock
* Refresh & recharge your energy level & gives you a new perspective.
* Boost creativity & productivity plus
* Manage stress at work, home, or school. Brings you happiness & much more; It works!

mundane clock?

Consider MyRainbowClock the most
interesting clock in the whole wide world to inspire forward going mentality at work, home, or school
it is true!
Energize, encourage, & boost your student’s creativity & empower his/her imagination in a healthy way with MyRainbowClock or MyUnicornClock.

1: MyRainbowClock is a great source of inspiration anywhere you show it off; on your kitchen counter. piano top, or hung on the living room wall, or table, or nightstand, in your office front-desk countertop, or meeting room. She is a great source of positive and exciting conversation starters. She will always bring you light, life & happiness with an endlessly positive mentality, harmony, and mutual respect toward better cooperation and productivity in your workplace, home, and school.
2: MyRainbowClock makes a perfect gift for anyone in your mind or on your list for all occasions. Specially for your students in school for their daily dose of healthy positive imagination for a young mind.
3: MyUnicornClock offers all of the above and more, she is the source of light, happiness and love for the love of your life!
4: All & all, MyRainbowClock & MyUnicornClock products are inspiring & encouraging unlike any of the mundane clocks you have seen.
Now you know, why we say: My Rainbow Clock, or your mundane clock?
*One in down town Chicago, IL and one in Memphis. TN and the other one very close to us in Park Ridge, IL.
*These gifts will be delivered after our successful crowdfunding campaign and delivery of goods to our valuable backers.
MyRainbowClock quietly updates your environment by its rich and powerful and a ton of positive energy of natural colors and laudly enhances your room decorations with a most beautiful quiet clock.
MyRainbowClock is a fresh & giving source of healthy & positive mentality, imagination & creativity and interesting conversations at all places, especially for a young mind in school or at home.
MyRainbowClock brings light, life, love, inspiration, motivation & positive energy to your room at home, office, or school.
Here is the information for your observation to see how to read MyRainbowClock, just in case it comes in handy. The sharp end of the circles points to the current time.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
1: Second Hand: is the fast-moving inner circle
2: Hour Hand: is D middle circle &
3: Minute Hand: is the outer circle

Sign Up Now, to recieve Info. of our upcoming production & sale events. Please let your friends & family know about us.
Thank you.
My Unicorn Clock
makes it visually clear that every second counts to make a joyful Time! Unlike mundane clocks you have seen.
We love to help
We plan to gift 4* of “MyRainbowClock” to St. Jude & 4 to Lori Children’s Hospital in Chicago
In the hope of entertaining the young patients for a short moment or as long as they enjoy watching and being mesmerized by this unique & colorfully dynamic clock to forget about their pain for as long as they are entertained.
* Clocks of their choice. We will deliver after our successful crowdfunding campaign & production.
Copyright 2021 1001 P&P Enterprise
(1001 Printing and Promotions, Inc.)